Laurie L. Rosen, LCSW 
HomeDirections & Forms

 Counseling & Psychotherapy for 
Individuals ~ Couples ~ Families 
Welcome...Thank you for taking the time to browse my website. I hope 
you find it useful as you learn about the services I provide. Whether you 
are seeking counseling & psychotherapy to work on personal goals or a staff development workshop, you can expect a personalized approach to meeting your needs. I would be happy to speak with you during a free phone consultation to answer any questions you may have. 
Laurie L. Rosen, LCSW ~ 4041 University Drive ~ Suite 200F ~ Fairfax, VA 22030-3410                                      (no texting) 703~239~2600  

Ask me about a custom designed workshop or staff development program for the mental health topic of your choice for your school, agency, or organization!

Grief & Loss
Anger Issues
Chronic Illness
Parenting Skills
Stress Management
Depression & Anxiety
Relationship Conflicts
Eating Disorders/Body Image
Emotional/Physical/Sexual Abuse
If you are struggling 
to cope with...
...Let me help
Find me on Facebook: laurielrosenlcsw
for words of wisdom, encouragement,& support!